Tuesday, 23 November 2010

これから、僕の人生の物語です。 My Life Story starts here.



はい!ケントと申します!本名はウォン・キー・イエン(Wong Kee Yen)でございます!実は小学生頃から「ケント」友達に呼ばれていました。友人に僕の本名をちょっと省略されました。「キー・イエン」を早口で言ったら、「ケン」といっているように聞こえます。そして、その時は、偶然に「KENT」いうタバコの広告がマレーシアのテレビとかで結構あったので、そのまま友人に「Kent」と呼ばれるようになりました。(^^;)
日本に来て、僕の名前に疑問を持つ人が多いことに気づきました。日本語が下手だったのでちゃんと説明しない、「まぁ、これは僕のクリスチャン名だからね~」と答えていました。そう言われた人が今いらっしゃいましたら、おわび申し上げます! m(_ _)m





~ つづく ~

Hey everyone!
Once again welcome and thanks for visiting my brand new blog which by the way may bore you to death. hahaa..

Some of you may have known me by now, but for those who doesn't, please allow me to simply re-introduce myself.
My name is Kent Wong. But my full real name is Wong Kee Yen. I believe I was called as Kent ever since I was in elementary school. I remember one of my friends pronounced my name in a quick way and turned out to be "KEN" (if you read my name "Kee Yen" as fast as you can), and coincidentally KENT ciggaratte was famous that time, and therefore they ended up call me KENT. I didn't actually use this so-called specially given name until around when I was in University. I realised that it would be easier for my new friends to call me Kent instead of having the hassle to remember my full name.

Ever since I came to Japan, many Japanese friends asked me why I had such a western name. Due to my crappy Japanese language skills, I told them it was my Christian name (though I am a Christian) to save a lot of hassles to explain the full story. Haha.. I hereby apologize to all my Japanese friends who heard this from me before. I didn't mean to lie but I just didn't want to explain too much and definitely didn't want to keep you guys waiting for me to explain a simple thing in japanese for like few minutes. hahaa..

Now, wow, it has been a long introduction even though I said it would be a simple one. hahaha..
Ok, lets carry on...

I'm 32 years old this year. And that is why I put Kent's Life Level 32 at the title bar.
I am 32 , but my heart and thinking is 23. LOL

And, I am from Malaysia. By the way, when I first came to Japan, there are some people thought I was from Philipines. Recently this year, I had been getting many "compliment" that I look like Korean guy , especially some said I look like one of the members from the famous Korean Singer Group named 東方神起. Hahaha... I was like... really?? Wow... thanks! I was so freaking joyful, though I don't really agree. LOL

Now, I have been in Japan almost around 4 years now. Time flies really fast and that really freaked me out. I feel like I am running out of time and I never want to live my life with regrets........

~ To be Continued ~

1 comment:

  1. 日本語先生に文法と語彙の間違いを直してもらえました!
